Melody Wiki

Melody is a great character, self aware, she’s been through struggles in losing her sister, who becomes a spirit guide. She goes to the big city, and she feels really alone.

Katy Perry

Sunny is an upcoming character in Melody. She was the older sister of the titular character from New Jersey.


Based on her appearances in concept art, Sunny had mulberry hair and light blue eyes. She was often depicted wearing her hair up in either a ponytail or a bun.




  • Guitar Playing: Despite her muteness preventing her from singing, Sunny was a talented guitar player.
  • Composing: Sunny knew how to compose a song for Melody.


Sunny and Melody childhood concept art by Justine Krepper 3

According to Jeremy Zag in an interview for We Are French Touch 2023, Sunny and her little sister Melody were born in a poor village in New Jersey. When Sunny was eight, both sisters lost their home and began living on the streets together.[1] Despite their predicament, Sunny looked after Melody in their village and inspired her to become a singer because she would play her guitar to her younger sister.[2]

Sunny and Melody final goodbye concept art by Justine Krepper

They eventually found a cottage where they took up residence across the bay of New York City. The two sisters made a promise to someday travel to the city together to meet their pop idol Rose Stellar. However, one faithful day, Sunny suffered from an illness when she was a young adult. She was cared for by Melody, but her illness took a tow on her before she eventually passed away in their cottage home.[3]


Melody graveyard concept art

After Sunny's passing, Melody traveled to New York City by herself to keep their promise. Sunny would serve as a "spirit guide" for Melody since the latter brought her sister's guitar with her during her journey.[4]





  • Sunny's existence was first hinted by her song "Sunny's Letter" when Jeremy Zag posted a snippet of it on his Instagram.[5]
  • Two concept arts of Sunny were shown in an "Inside ZAG" video featuring Angie Nasca. According to the character description, she was originally depicted as Melody's aunt figure instead of her biological sister.[6]
  • While it's currently unconfirmed, it heavily implied Sunny suffered from a physical throat injury or a neurological injury that prevented her from speaking. She knew how to play guitar and composed a song during her childhood and teenhood, so it's unlikely she was deaf.
  • Jeremy Zag mentioned that the sisters originated in New Jersey where there is a "huge homeless community in the United States". While it's unknown which city in New Jersey they were born in, it is presumable they were born in Essex County since it has the highest homeless population in the state.
  • Because there is no mention of their parents, it's implied Sunny and Melody were orphans after they lost their home.
  • Jeremy Zag claimed in the interview that Sunny's illness was "a cold".



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